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ConferenceChatbot – Messenger Bot for Conferences
Take your conference to the next level, the use of ConferenceChatbot for Messenger! Don’t make your attendees download mobile apps or browse websites!
Give them the innovative experience of a chatbot!
Built on top technologies (JavaScript), the bot provides info in regards to the schedule, speakers, evening events, sponsors and more.
Conference data is easily managed by a Ruby on Rails powered dashboard / API that comes together.
* HOT FEATURE: Messages may also be pushed to bot users by means of dashboard (perfect to inform attendees for updates)!
Both chatbot and backend (API / dashboard) may also be easily deployed to Heroku and be on-air in minutes. Guides included!
Questions & Demo
Talk to our demo ConferenceChatbot
When you have any questions, please post them in comments.
Bot Features
Backend Features
Deploy the backend to Heroku and setup your conference’s data in minutes!
You’ll be able to also easily configure the bot for use with your own existing API.
Edit any conference data through the dashboard and view them live in your bot!
1.0 - August 14, 2017 - Launch