Try to stay at the cubes. Are you able to react fast enough?
? Look ahead to the right moment
? Then tap at the screen to jump
? Don’t fall off the cubes
How far Are you able to get? Enjoy the challenge.
Demo App:
2. Open GamePlayScene.cpp file
Change StartApp id to show Ads: startAppBridge->STAInit(“207265905”, “102781578”);
3. Open IOSHelper.h file
Support Admob, Startapp ads
The code: use Cocos2D-X V3.5
Startapp full screen ads
iPhone 5, 6, 6 Plus wide screen support
iOS reinforce on iOS 7+.
Runs on iPhone, iPod, iPad, iPhone6, iPhone 6+
Support: We provide reinforce within the comments section. So if in case you have questions, we’re here to respond to. So let’s get the new top list app code!
Update is FREE!
Get this code and start earning profits!
iOS7, iOS8, iOS9 In a position!
How to Setup:
A. Quick Setup
There is no setup. Just open the Above Box.xcodeproj and you’ll be on your way.
B. Basic Configuration
1. Open Above Box.xcodeproj
Change CFBundleIdentifier “Above-Box” to your app name ID (example: com.YouGame.)
define SCH_AD_MOB_TOP_BANNER_AD_UNIT_ID @”ca-app-pub-3494289342098829/9261739991”
•Change Admob ID: to your id
4. Open GamePlayScene.cpp file
string GAME_CENTER = “AboveBox”;
Change to your Game Centre ID
5. That’s All And Done
C. In a position Submit to Appstore
Optimized for iOS 7,8,9!
We provide reinforce within the comments section. So if in case you have questions, we’re here to respond to. So let’s get the new top list app code!
We also provide reinforce by means of Skype and Email
Skype ID : santd86
Email :