A powerful admin dashboard template built especially for developers
Vuexy – Vuejs + HTML Admin Dashboard Template – is the most developer friendly & highly customisable VueJS + HTML
Admin Dashboard Template based on Vue CLI, Vuex & Vuexy component framework.
If you’re a developer in search of an admin dashboard that was made with you in mind, look no further than Vuexy. A powerful admin dashboard template built on Vue.js, Vuexy is developer-friendly, rich with features and highly customizable. We’ve followed the highest industry standards to bring you the very best admin template that is not only fast and easy to use but highly scalable. Offering ultimate convenience and flexibility, you’ll be able to build whatever application you wish to have with very little hassle.
Build premium quality applications with ease
Relating to creating applications, it doesn’t get better than Vuexy. Our vue.js admin dashboard template is based on Vue CLI, Vuex and Vuexy component framework. We’ve made sure it’s easy to use and highly customizable so that bringing your vision to life is a piece of cake.
Use our innovative admin template to create eye-catching, prime quality and high performing single-page applications. Your apps will be completely responsive, ensuring they’ll look stunning and function flawlessly on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
Incredibly versatile, the Vuexy admin dashboard allows you to build any type of web application. For instance, you’ll create:
Get started quickly
Vuexy is user-friendly and straightforward, making it fast and simple to get started. It also comes equipped with ready-to-go templates including two niche dashboards and five workable apps:
- Chat
- To-do list
- Calendar
- eCommerce
Plus, it’s well documented, making it even simpler for you to get started and continue using.
Make it your own
Vuexy offers easy and endless customization – including unlimited color options.
Make the most of our innovative features
Vuexy is equipped with invaluable features designed to help you create premium quality apps exactly as you consider them. We’ve loaded the Vuexy admin template with unique and useful tools such as fuzzy search, bookmarks, floating nav bar, dark and semi-dark layout options, advance cards and charts. Other first-class features include:
- Laravel Starter Kit
- Pure Vue js, No Jquery Dependency
- Created with Vue CLI
- Utilizes Vuex, Vue Router, Webpack
- Code Splitting, Lazy loading
- Auth 0 Integration
- Firebase authentication + Social Logins
- E-Commerce App with shop, wishlist, checkout pages
- Algolia search and filter demo integrated with E-Commerce app
- Data List with firestore integration using axios
- List View
- Thumb List View
- App Tour
- Drag & Drop Bookmarks to re-arrange
- Carousel (Image Slider)
- Clipboard (Copy to clipboard)
- Context Menu
- Scroll to top
- Not authorised Page
- Access Keep an eye on (ACL)
- i18n Page
- Multi-lingual Support
- 3 chart libraries
- 2 Dashboard
- SASS Powered
- Feather Icons
5 Workable Applications
- Chat
- Todo
- Calendar
- E-Commerce
- Unlimited Color Options
- Google Map
- Video Player
- Drag & Drop
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Organized Folder Structure
- Clean & Commented Code
- Well Documented
- FREE Lifetime Updates
- 6 months of free beef up included
Enjoy first class support
We offer six months of free beef up to every customer. We also offer multilingual beef up.
Get free lifetime updates
Every purchase of the Vuexy admin template is entitled to free updates – for life. This means you’ll have the benefit of every enhancement, improvement and newly added feature indefinitely.
Bonus – Complimentary files included free
Every download of Vuexy includes free design files compatible with Sketch, Figma and Adobe XD. These are:
- vuexy-analytics-dashboard
- vuexy-ecommerce-dashboard
- vuexy-blank-page
- vuexy-chat-app
- vuexy-email-app
- vuexy-todo-app
- vuexy-ecommerce-page-grid
- vuexy-ecommerce-page-list
- vuexy-wishlist-page-grid
- vuexy-checkout-page
- vuexy-select-address-page
- vuexy-payment-page
Technical Specification (Credits )
Vuexy – Vuejs + HTML Admin Dashboard Template
Powered by
Vue - Vue CLI 3
– Vuejs component Library - Tailwind
- Vuex
- Vue Router
- Axios
- SASS Powered
- Charts
- VeeValidate
- Vue Form Wizard
- Vue Full Calendar
- Vue Select
- Vue Draggable
- Vue Video Player
- Vue Feather Icons
- Vue Google Maps
- Vue I18n
- Vue Perfect Scollbar
- Vue Prism Component
- Vue Quill Editor
- Vue Code
- Vue Datepicker
- HTML version use Bootstrap4 framework and beef up IE11, Edge, Charome, Firefox, Safari & Opera browsers.
- VueJS version use Vuesax framework and beef up Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari & Opera browsers.
v5.1 [12th Feb 2020]
- Strict linting added to strengthen code quality
v5.0 [06th Feb 2020]
React Version =========== - Inital release
v4.2 [06th Jan 2019]
- Fixed: - Fixed menu navigation issue on iOS update - Updated HTML - Laravel version base structure and configuration options
v4.1 [14th Nov 2019]
Common Change for all version ============================= #To maintain the consistancy, we have updated HTML and HTML - Laravel version to 4.1 - Added : - RTL compatibility for all versions - User App - User List - User Add / Edit - User View - Account Settings Page - Product Detail Page - Statistics Cards - Updated : - Laravel core structure - Global Search UI include pages, files and contacts group filter - DataList UI Updates - Print Ready Invoice Page - Fixed : - Reported bugs and minor design fix HTML & HTML + Laravel ===================== - Added: - Swiper Component
v4.0 [03rd Oct 2019]
- Vuesax is now Vuexy Vue Version ============= Added: - Horizontal Menu with light & dark layout - JWT Authentication - API Ready - Import-Export - Full Laravel Version Fixed: - UI updates - Bug Fixes Updated: - DataList now beef up CRUD - Major structural changes, Please check migration guide (v3 - v4) HTML + Laravel Version ====================== - Inital release HTML Version ============= Added : - Horizontal Menu with light & dark layout - AG Grid - Media Player Updated : - Updated Vendors/Libs - Updated to Gulp4 Fixed : - Minor Bugs Vue + Laravel Version ====================== - Inital release
v3.3 [18th July 2019]
Vue Version -------------- Added -------- - SSR table Fixed ------- - VxTooltip fix - Sidebar active link fix Updated ---------- - Functional component for performance - All Libraries updated to its latest - UI improvements Removed ----------- - Deprecated calendar removed HTML Version ----------------- Added -------- - User Settings Page - Full Calender with Timegrid and custom buttons Fixed ------- - Email application - Form Reset on Compose Click - Accordion Component - clickable on accordion heading section - Set default badge color - Custom Radio design fixed - Main Menu Sub-item Icon Fixed Updated ----------- - Updated Documentation
v3.2 [13th June 2019]
Added -------- Bootstrap laravel starter-kit VueJS cards actions events Fixed -------- VueJS Table was not showing initial data using api Responsiveness issues
v3.1 [4th June 2019]
Added -------- New Date Time picker New classes in tailwind v1.x Improved ----------- vue-select component's UI improved Search list UI for navbar type improved Authentication and comning-soon pages' UI improved for small devices Fixed -------- Fixed navbar-type and footer-type selection in customizer Fixed vxAutoSuggest bug Fixed: Chat app update about/status Removed ----------- API table of component is removed from component demo pages
v3.0 [27th May 2019]
Addded ------- - HTML added - Swipe out menu - agGrid table - Form Input Group - Button group - New calendar added - Auto-suggest - Tree component - Star ratings Updated ------- - All packages updated to latest - Tailwind updated to latest v1.x - Dark layout enhanced - More customizable cards - UI improved Fixed ----- - Firebase register bug fixed - Vulnerabilities in npm packages Removed ------- - Old Calendar
v2.1 [18th April 2020]
Fixed ------- - Bookmark Autosuggest Component Bug - E-Commerce Sidebar Filter Reset Bug - Laravel Starter Kit Updated ----------- - Chats now start from bottom so one doesn't have to scroll all the way to the end of the chat
v2.0 [9th April 2019]
Added ------- - Vuexy Laravel Starter Kit - Auth 0 Integration - Firebase authentication + Social Logins - E-Commerce App with shop, wishlist, checkout pages - Algolia search and filter demo integrated with E-Commerce app - Data List with firestore integration using axios - List View - Thumb List View - App Tour - Drag & Drop Bookmarks to re-arrange - Carousel (Image Slider) - Clipboard (Copy to clipboard) - Context Menu - Scroll to top - Not authorised Page - Access Keep an eye on (ACL) - i18n Page Updated -------- - Updated VueJS to latest version - Updated Vuexy component framework to latest version - Upadated all the npm dependencies to its latest version - Updated drag & drop plugin - Updated dark layout background color and text colors Improved --------- - Code Toggler to work well with light & dark both layouts Fixed ------- - Fixed fuzzy search - Fixed email app bug - Large message in chat - z-index issues
v1.1 [27th February 2019]
Added ------------------------------ - Added Semi Dark Layout - Added Starter Kit - Added App Loader - Added Sketch, Adobe XD & Figma files - Added 404 page for Unknown URLs Updated ------------------------------- - Updated Folder Structure - Updated Store - Updated Documentation Fixed ------------------------------- - Fixed Minor Bugs
v1.0.1 [18th February 2019]
- Customizer can be enabled / disabled from themeconfig - Fixed search list of navbar - Fixed public path in vue config - Fixed date alignment in chat app - Fixed Sidebar page sidebar style - Select component list font size increased
v1.0 [16th February 2019]
- Initial release