Now affiliate make easy with Blurb Theme, it’s include full of auto functional price comparison, review, coupon and market place categories based auto comparison option.
Blurb Price Comparison, Affiliate Website, Multivendor Store, Product Review and Social Business. Who can do business as affiliate Marketers and focus on affiliate based product? You can open a multi-vendor store and affiliate with Blurb WordPress theme. You can do Multi-vendor Store with awesome product review and comparison. The online marketer now hungry about good auto functional affiliate WordPress theme, We just make a simple automatic solution for the affiliate marketers.
Please check demo page/live preview properly than understand that there is how much option we give. It’s take 1 years to develop core functionality for product, review and coupon which is combine of auto comparison
Top 5 Hybrid Feature on Blurb WordPress theme
#1. Automated Market and Product Based Comparison
Blurb focus catagories or market based comparison which is show what is best price based on rating, review, quality and feature. Custom search filter option make this theme more automated for who can do business with single click
#2. Coupon and Cashback Option
#3. Multi vendor Shop page
#4. Review and Rating Option
#5. Product, Review and Coupon Integrated Relation Features
Sourse & Credits:
- jQuery v3.2.1
- Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta
- jquery-circle-progress – v1.2.2
- jquery.counterup.js v1.0
- jQuery One Page Nav Plugin v3.0.0
- jquery.nicescroll – v3.7.6
- RateYo – v2.3.2
- SimplePlayer.js
- scrollup v2.4.1
- Sticky Plugin v1.0.4
- Waypoints – 4.0.1
- lightslider – v1.1.6
- Modernizr v2.8.3
- Owl Carousel v2.2.1
- Dedicated Hosting
- Popper Js
All images are just used for Demo Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and NOT included in the final purchase files.
Enjoy and don’t forget to rate my template. Thanks so much!!!
Change Log
Version 1.3 – 07 May, 2019
Version 1.3 - 07.05.2019 - fixed some currency releated bugs. - admin product changing category menu improve and fixed bugs. - product rating improve and fixed bugs and updated
Version 1.2 – 30 April, 2019
Version 1.2 - 30.04.2019 - fixed some currency releated bugs. - admin product changing category menu improve and fixed bugs. - product rating improve and fixed bugs and updated - 1.currency option update. now u can chooose base currency for your site, that currency will appear all-over your site. (Theme Option > Global > Entities > Currencies) First currency will select automatically as your base currency. - 2.Shortcode Updated - [blurb_product_in_market] - attb{ style, class, market_id, market_thumb_src, - product_id, product_thumb_src, avail, price, link} - [blurb_product_market_list] attb{ product_id } - [blurb_product_markets_rating] attb - { product_id, market_title, market_lbl } - [blurb_product_quick_view] attb { product_id, title_align } - [blurb_product_sample_images] attb { product_id } - [blurb_product_specifictions] attb { product_id } - [blurb_product_total_review_rating] attb { product_id }
Version 1.0 – 22 March, 2019
Version 1.0 - 22.04.2019 - Blurb initial release