Addons Bundle for Lumise Product Designer

$27.00 (as of December 2, 2020, 8:07 am)


Addons Bundle for Lumise Product Designer - 1

Addons Bundle for Lumise Product Designer - 2

Addons Bundle for Lumise Product Designer - 3

Lumise addons

Lumise addons

Lumise addons

Lumise addons

Lumise addons

Lumise addons

Lumise addons

Lumise addons

Lumise addons

Lumise addons

Addons Bundle for Lumise

  • Assign templates for product
  • Background symbol for design
  • Distress effect
  • Dropbox auto sync
  • Images library plus
  • Tours builder (information for guests)
  • My designs (handle by way of account)
  • Display templates, cliparts (a page show all templates, cliparts for finish-users to make a choice one to start out editing)
  • Price cut price (New)
  • Printing ruler (New)

Additional information


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