WooCommerce Email Template Customizer

$9.00 (as of December 2, 2020, 8:05 am)


WooCommerce Email Template Customizer - 1
WooCommerce Email Template Customizer - 2

WooCommerce Email Template Customizer - 3

WooCommerce Email Template Customizer is a helpful tool that helps you build and customize the Email templates for WooCommerce. The plugin provides sufficient base elements and WooCommerce elements as well as developmental tools for users to build a completed email. You’ll easily drag and drop, edit and style for transaction emails the use of Layouts, insert desire contents with no coding knowledge required. Overall, you wish to have to do is a few mouse clicks to create and experience your email template that will be sent to your customers.

Infographic WooCommerce Email Template Customizer


  • Easily drag and drop elements to build and customize emails: – The user-friendly email template builder means that you can build professional and outstanding WooCommerce email templates.
  • Email Elements – Add different elements (Basic, Woocommerce and hooks) to your email template with full shopping information of WooCommerce and users’ information. The editing tab will show allow you to work directly on fast and effectively each element.
  • Unlimited Number of Rows – unlimited rows can be added to the email template and include everything you wish to have in the emails.
  • Settings for email: Select to assign email type, billing country and/or category even in the email template.
  • Live Preview of Changes – visually observe emails by the preview, update any changes in the preview mode, integrate to see on the desktop, mobile.
  • Send Test Emails – Check the email design before the real sending.
  • Add Images to WooCommerce Emails – Add images in your email templates and make them attractive with banners, logos, featured images, etc.
  • Display Dynamic Data with Placeholders – Displaying placeholders makes it easy to design templates. For example customer name, site name, User name, Password, My account URL in order to be replaced by real user/order data even as sending the WooCommerce emails.
  • Compatibility with Most Villatheme’s plugins – That helps you customize and send emails template of VillaTheme’s plugins such as: WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery, WooCommerce Photo Reviews…
  • Responsive and work perfectly on any devices.


Basic Elements

  • Text: Add text content to the template moreover customize the font color, font size, alignment, border width, insert/edit link, insert/edit image, shortcode, info icon, social icon, border style, border color, background color, text padding, and text margin.
  • Divider: Add a single line divider to the template and choose a style for the divider. In a similar way to text, it can customize the style, width, height, color, alignment, margin and padding of the divider.
  • Socials: Add social icons to the email template, enter your ULRs in the placeholder including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
  • Image: Add an image to the email template and adjust its size and alignment, border style, border color, background color, text padding, and text margin.
  • Button: Add and customize the button: Name, the link of a button, style the border, alignment, background and padding.
  • Menu bar: Add and customize the menu bar or named the navigation bar that includes links to the most important sections of the site for instance Home, Shop, Contact…
  • Contact: Display contact information with icons on the email template.
  • Spacer: Add a space between other elements and customize its height, borders with style and color, and the background color.

WooCommerce Elements

  • Order detail: Display fully the details of orders with customization for the color, size, and alignment of the heading and details one at a time. Also, customize the borders, background color, padding, margin.
  • Order total: Display the total number of orders including Subtotal, discount, shipping, payment method, order fully refunded, total…with customization for the color, size, and alignment of the heading and details one at a time. Also, customize the borders, background color, padding, margin.
  • Order subtotal: helps you display specifically components of orders: including Subtotal, discount, shipping, payment method, order fully refunded, …with customization for the color, size, and alignment of the heading and details one at a time. Also, customize the borders, background color, padding, margin.
  • Shipping method: Helps you display the shipping method in the template, also customize the borders, background color, padding, margin.
  • Payment method: Helps you display the payment method in the email template, customize the borders, background color, padding, margin.
  • Billing address: Display the billing details in the email template with customization for the color, size, and alignment of the heading and details one at a time. Moreover, customize the borders, background color, padding, margin.
  • Shipping address: Displays the shipping details in the template and customize the color, size, and alignment of the heading and details one at a time. Also, customize the borders, background color, padding, margin.
  • Products: Recommend some products and links to the products in your store.
  • Coupons: Helps you display a coupon that customers get and display on the email template. Customers can copy the coupon and apply for their order.
  • Post: Helps you display your posts the email template and links to those posts in your store.

WooCommerce Hooks

Add the hooks provided by WooCommerce into the email templates.

Advanced options

In addition, the plugin integrated with some advanced options that allow you set rules to send an email if an order matches the rules. For example, you need to send an current email template to United State in Shoes category if the order hits to a specific amount. Therefore, You’ll manage emails which be sent to each customer’s group as you need.

  • Billing countries: Select countries which the email template is applied to.
  • Categories: Select categories which the email template is applied to.
  • Min order: Send the email template to the orders hit this min amount.
  • Max order: Send this email template to the orders hit this min amount.


/** - 2020.11.24 **/
- Fixed: hook woocommerce_email_customer_details
- Fixed: missing padding when edit on Firefox
- Fixed: Clear template after render message
- Updated: Report order & clicked from suggestion product in email
- Updated: Add more social icons & social icon width
- Updated: Display product's SKU

Additional information


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